Masters of Entrepreneurship, Otago, New Zealand.
Bachelor of Arts with Special Honors (Journalism and English) 1983, University of Texas, Austin, USA.

Casey Cravens is an entrepreneur and writer with three decades of strategic communications experience in creative content, public relations, speech writing, journalism and digital marketing.

Casey is a fearless strategist willing to go beyond institutional communications models to produce exceptional results. He believes storytelling is key to strategy and thus performance. Narrative inspires startup employees through difficult growth, shapes reputation, guides consumers and voters on their decision-making journey, and reassures corporate boards. Story is bigger than any single product, Casey says, because it provides meaning in a chaotic world. Story determines customer, stakeholder and media opinion—and even your Google ranking. He points out that Apple’s Think Different or Nike’s Just Do It campaigns are just two examples of how powerful narrative can be crafted into products and brands encapsulating entire philosophies, lifestyles and identities.

If your organization doesn’t know what its story is, you may struggle for the purpose of why you’re in business. Casey can help with that. Contact Troika today.